1ce Solution in Education

Universities, institutes and schools are on the leading edge of technology development and introduction into many different industries. Advance of technology today requires an enormous amount of resources, including extensive IT infrastructures.

Ongoing financial constraints in the public sector constantly challenge educational institutions to find inexpensive, but effective ways to deliver high quality monitoring applications and services. 1ce open-source monitoring solution can be implemented and used by anyone for free, and yet provide even very demanding customers with broad variety of functions and features.

Highly distributed systems :

  • Although technology resources are generally managed centrally, individual schools may have varying proportions of computer labs and student administration and resources.

Multiple identity systems :

  • Schools often have different programs to manage staff and students.
  • Without a single Active Directory service, IAM has no source for credential authentication.

Users with multiple roles :

  • Although employees in a company can change roles, they usually only play one role at a time.
  • In school systems, the same person can be a student, a teacher, an administrator, an alumnus, or a parent, sometimes they can play multiple roles at the same time.
  • There is also a large turnover each year as students graduate and enrol.

Inexperienced or malicious users :

  • Many users of school systems are inexperienced with technology; some users may not be able to read.
  • Yet, some students consciously try to find ways to gain privileges, to change grades or simply to test their limits and abilities.

User Owned Devices :

  • Users log into the school system through their PCs, tablets and phones.
  • Managing permissions across devices is difficult, especially since different devices have different levels of security and pose different risks.

Software as a Service :

  • The school system may provide some applications as software as a service (SaaS), which means that they are provided and maintained by a third-party vendor outside of the school system’s network.
  • It can be difficult to integrate identities into SaaS applications with internally managed identities.

Lack of resources to manage identities :

  • Because school systems are constantly tied to money, it is difficult to devote sufficient staff time to identity management.
  • Manual provisioning makes it easy to make mistakes or use shortcuts, such as cloning another user, that grant too many privileges.
  • There may not be enough time to review the users to ensure permissions are updated or removed if a user’s role changes or they leave the school system.

To address these issues, school systems must look to IAM solutions to help them manage user identities across multiple platforms and applications, no matter how they are delivered and where they come from. With the right tools and vendor support, you can create a solution to centrally manage identities, automate identity management, and reduce the risk of redundant rights.

Higher education as a sector poses specific challenges for identity management In a university, IT users may have thousands of students, not to mention faculty, alumni, and staff. Therefore, size alone would present challenges. However, there are many other cybersecurity challenges for educational institutions.