1ce Solution in IT & Telecommunications

The telecommunications industry is rapidly moving away from the old paradigm of one user, one phone. The lines between telephony, VoIP and the Internet of Things are blurred. Customers now manage multiple devices from one account and one phone number Services such as T-Mobile Digits and V by Vodafone make it easy for customers to switch connected products Some of these services include not only vendors’ devices, but also customers’ computers and online services.

The rise of cloud services has made identity and access management (IAM) software a hot topic. As people use mobile devices so often to conduct business, it is becoming an important part of telecommunications services Mobile identity management, IAM accessed from a mobile device, is becoming a major buzzword.

IAM addresses two main issues –

  • Verifying the identity of the person requesting access.
  • Determines what services a person can access and restricts actions accordingly.


The traditional form of computer authentication is a password, but it has its challenges. It’s not easy for people to create hard-to-guess passwords. If they are successful, they tend to forget it. Even having a device is not enough. Millions of mobile devices are stolen every year, so having a SIM card is not proof of identity Authenticating users reliably without overburdening the task is a difficult balance to achieve. Biometric authentication, such as eye scans and fingerprints, has become popular.

The GSMA has approved Mobile Connect, a cross-platform protocol, as a mobile authentication standard. Sites that work with it allow people to log in from their phones Not only do users not have to remember the password but the password is not sent This provides a higher level of secure access than password managers, which can sometimes be fooled.

Personal matters –

  • Protecting the privacy of personal information is an important corporate responsibility In most cases, this is also a legal requirement. Regulations such as the GDPR require adequate protection of personally identifiable information. Authorization may be required for disclosure to third parties. Violations can result in heavy fines Children use mobile devices a lot, so it is especially important to protect their privacy.

Possible uses

  • monitoring of the systems in data center as well as systems for company’s clients;
  • monitoring of large and expanding WISP network of servers, WiFi infrastructure and users;
  • tracking of customers’ servers; ability to use maintenance free proxy servers to monitor customers’ networks;
  • monitoring of day-to-day metrics like disk space, the status of websites, and the availability of key services;
  • monitoring everything from errors on switch ports to connection pool utilization in Java application servers;
  • continuous monitoring of all areas ranging from network and routing topology to server hardware through to processes and backups.

Proven Benefits

  • consolidated monitoring solution for all alarming and performance related information;
  • excellent flexibility and scalability;
  • great stability;
  • alerting on “situations unique” to a “specific issue”;
  • very easy in implementation, use and customization;
  • unfettered conceptual freedom during the implementation phase;
  • easy to configure and update due to many existing resources explaining how or where to tune or fix problems;
  • easily monitors any type of vendor or device;
  • custom graphs, the maps feature, and latest data;
  • included functionality is sufficient to monitor almost any server and network device;
  • the ability to expand quickly into other situations to
  • ability to fix problems before the customer even becomes aware of their existence;
  • extensive information for decision making in solving problems or bottlenecks in the networks;
  • active support forums, trigger
  • possibility to automate the processes;
  • low administrative costs;
  • increase company’s ROI.